Important Information: We’re now ICIB Brokerweb – what this means for you

Important Information: We’re now ICIB Brokerweb – what this means for you

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2024 May 31

Following the merger of BrokerWeb Risk Services Limited and ICIB Limited in December 2022 to become ICIB Brokerweb, we have been working behind the scenes to align our systems and processes.

One of the final steps in the merger process is the amalgamation of ICIB Limited into BrokerWeb Risk Services Limited which will take place on 1 July 2024.  BrokerWeb Risk Services Limited (the continuing company following the amalgamation) will also formally be renamed to ICIB Brokerweb Limited at this time.

The amalgamation will have little to no impact on your day to day dealings with us, however there are a few important points we wanted to bring to your attention.

Our Terms of Business are changing

Our Terms of Business govern our business relationship with you and we have taken this opportunity to review the terms to ensure we continue to provide you with outstanding service and advice.

We have created a Change Summary document which provides an overview of the differences between our existing agreement with you and our new Terms of Business. 

Our Change Summary and new Terms of Business can be found here.

We recommend that you take the time to thoroughly read our new Terms of Business and the Change Summary document and contact your ICIB BrokerWeb broker should you have any questions.

Our new Terms of Business will take effect on and from 1 July 2024.

We will have a new bank account number

Our bank account number is changing.  Our new bank account will be shown on our tax invoices and account statements sent to you on or after 1 July 2024.

If applicable, please ensure you delete our old bank account number from your banking platform, and replace it with our new one. 

When making payment of your premium, please ensure you quote your client reference which will be clearly noted on your tax invoice or account statement.

Our website is being updated

Our existing websites are being combined and, effective 1 July 2024, the BrokerWeb Risk Services website will no longer be in service.  However, you can still find us here at

Our documentation is being refreshed

The documentation you receive from us may look a little different, as it has been reviewed and updated to reflect the way that ICIB Brokerweb will operate as a business.

Our Disclosure Statements are being updated

You will also notice changes to your broker’s individual Disclosure Statement.  As part of the amalgamation process, our Financial Advice Providers (FAP) Licence with the Financial Markets Authority is being streamlined and our new Disclosure Statements will provide details of our updated FAP licence, and the type of advice we can provide to you. 

If you have any questions about these changes, please reach out to your ICIB Brokerweb broker.